The first professional school of graphic design, new media and arts in Ukraine with its own teaching methodology

SVC ecosystem
Composition workshops
Recruiting service
Training of mentors
Design studio
Professional media

School of visual communication

Achievements of this period:



SVC was created on the basis of Natalia Sinepupova's author's training courses, as an alternative to the training of graphic designers in universities, which don’t meet the requirements of the digital world.

The first five years were dedicated to researching the new Ukrainian creative market, identifying what specialists the industry needs, collecting inquiries from agencies and studios, and researching the educational methods of foreign design schools.
→ Creation of a completely new educational direction — Ukrainian informal design education;
→ SVC eco-model design: Training base for designers, School of mentors, Studio of graphic design (with regular internship for graduates), Career center, Media about visual culture;
→ Creation of core philosophy, SVC Manifesto, SVC development strategy for 30 years;
→ Prescribing basic training programs;
→ Attracting practitioners to teaching;
→ Practical work with students on new programs that have no analogues in Ukraine.
The second five-year plan showed that the quality of teaching practitioners from agencies and studios does not meet the demands of the SVC. To solve this problem, the format of the professional school of Mentors was launched, where you could become a mentor and quickly learn how to transfer your experience to others.

Also, during this period, a great deal of work was carried out to popularize design and design education in Ukraine and organize projects: Visual Communication Gathering, seminar programs Ukrainian Design: The Very Best Of, the Malevich Days Festival, round tables and panel discussions.
→ Influence on the educational landscape — starting a trend in education design;
→ Development of the SVC eco-model (launch of the Mentors’ School, launch of Media about visual culture — experimental SEEE newspaper);
→ Systematic development of SVC educational methodology — for students and mentors;
→ Confirmation of the relevance of the educational methodology in workshops at the School of Form (Poland), workshops in Chaumont (France), etc.;
→ Confirmation of the relevance of educational collaboration of multidisciplinary groups (artists + designers + architects + urban planners + curators) in foreign educational formats: international workshops Rennes-Kyiv-Rennes (France, Georgia);
→ We combined design education with coaching, professional psychologist coaches began to work with students, who help identify individual models of efficiency, develop their own talents and self-realization;
→ Launch of the first experimental training courses on the study of visual chaos.
Achievements of this period:
Achievements of this period:
→ Systematic preparation and graduation of 1,000 students annually;
→ Transition to learning professional competencies: Intern → Junior → Middle → Senior → Lead → Art–director → Founder of own studio or Creative entrepreneur;
→ Formation of a 2.5-year complex designer program;
→ Launch of experimental training formats on a regular basis;
→ Development of a methodology that guarantees results: 9 out of 10 graduates of complex programs find a job immediately after graduation or within 1 year;
→ Publication of Natalia Sinepupova's book for designers "Composition: total control", the beginning of work on the second one, on the topic of free composition and the study of chaos "Collage, digital-collage: a multidimensional promise to the viewer";
→ Launch of new formats - distance learning and online webinars.
→ Complete completion of the SVC eco-model (launch of the meta² graphic design studio with regular internships for graduates, launch of the "#людинересурс" career center);
→ Work with international partners, the company Growth Shop: conducting Portfolio review, Elevator pitch, introduction of a paid scholarship for SVC students.
The beginning of the third five-year plan began with the TYPE KYIV-2017 international font conference, which gathered experts from 28 countries of the world and was held in UNIT.City. These years were marked by the performances of our experts: teachers, lecturers and mentors at the venues of Ukrainian Design: The Very Best Of, Gogolfest (ГогольFest), Festivals of current animation and media art LINOLEUM, Kiev Lights Festival, Pinchuk Art Center (PinchukArtCentre), Arsenal Book Festival (Book Arsenal), Kul'turnyy Proekt (Educational Station 31В1), PlastikWood.

Natalia Sinepupova joined the expert councils of foreign design festivals: Design Week (Poland), Design Week (India), Ukrainian cultural and public organizations: Ukrainian Cultural Foundation (RKF), "Export!", Ukraine and the United Nations (Ukraine in the UN) and others.

Identification and promotion of ukrainian design and contemporary art through the prism of current educational processes

SVC missions


SVC goals

We teach designers to think
We educate those who form the industry
We develop professional competences for further work

Impact on development of professional fields, integration of ukrainian design and modern art in the international creative environment

Implementation of society's request for contemporary ukrainian visual culture and design

Changing the model of education in Ukraine — knowledge with an emphasis on practice; the educational process is linked to market realities and any level of training


Methodology SVC

We are a specialized school of graphic design and visual communication, our methodology focuses exclusively on this area and helps to build a solid foundation for both formal and postgraduate education. Our training is based on the development of a designer's systemic thinking, his professional knowledge and competencies — soft and hard skills.

The methodological system is a constructor, designed for 2.5 years of study. You can choose a course that matches your current level of training, goals and ambitions — and continue your studies in the future.

Each of the educational programs is a brick-module in the system:
Intern → Junior → Middle → Senior → Lead → Art–director → Founder of own studio or Creative entrepreneur.
Design education at SVC is combined with coaching — professional psychological coaches work with students to help them discover their own patterns of effectiveness and develop according to their talents and goals.

The asset of SVC is the educational department: more than 300 programs developed from scratch, based on current knowledge of visual communications, working with sign systems, and semiotics. The result of practical research was the book "Composition: total control", many profile articles and workshops.

We are able to explain the educational material clearly: each of our mentors is a practitioner and if he teaches at SVC regularly, he has undergone training at the School of Mentors. Yes, we teach those who will then teach others!

Position and team

We are researchers, experimenters and practitioners.
We shape today's visual environment
and influence tomorrow's visual culture!

Foundress and CEO of SVC, member of the design expert council of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation; art director of the meta² design studio; mentor.

Nataliia Syniepupova

Curator of the educational department in SVC; culturologist, manager of cultural and educational projects, specialist in interdisciplinary communication and management.

Mariia Snihyr

→ 18 years of teaching;
→ Mentor-teacher of disciplines: „Design-systems“, „Design-thinking“, „Composition“;
→ „Experimental composition, collage and digital collage“, „Accidental font“, etc.
→ Art direction: graphic design and visual communications;
→ Developer of educational methodology for professional designers.
Commercial and social projects: UNICEF, Ukraine and the United Nations (Ukraine in the UN), Kyiv–Mohyla Business School (KMBS), Kyiv–Mohyla Business School (Canada), Strategic Architect School, UkrOlia Agroholding, Advance Investment Fund Finance Alliance, State Archive Service of Ukraine, Ecoco (InstaBio), Mohyla Strategic Agency.
→ Member of the Design Expert Council of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund (UKF, 2018);
→ Member of the Ukrainian Institute jury (2020);
→ Jury member of Ukrainian and International festivals and projects (Great Britain, France, Poland, India).

Cultural and educational projects:
→ Organization of Visual Communication Gathering;
→ Organization (6 years) of seminar programs Ukrainian Design: The Very Best Of;
→ Co-organizer of the Malevich Days Festival;
→ Organization of a series of International workshops Rennes–Kyiv–Rennes (Ukraine–France–Georgia);
→ Organizer of International workshops at the School of Form (Poland);
→ Organizer of the TYPE KYIV-2017 International font conference;
→ Winner of the „Identity of the game“ contest of the British Higher School of Design, Ukrainian Design: The Very Best Of (SEEE);
→ Organizer of the experimental study program Fundamentals of Composition;
→ Founder and art director of the experimental newspaper SEEE.
NAOMA, British Graduate School of Design.






Founder & ART–director @ School of Visual Communication, meta² design studio and Mentor`s School. Author of the book „Composition: Total Control“.

Nataliia Syniepupova

Mariia Snihyr






Master of Cultural Sciences — Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.
Speaker-manager of the Kyiv Music Days forum, curator of HudGraff gallery, art manager of H.L.A.M. club, curator of the Ukrainian Main Stream art department, assistant director of Ganka Film Production, assistant to the main PR manager of H2D concert agency.
Kyiv Music Days, Ukrainian Main Stream, Paradjanov Fest, Respublica Conference, Jager Music Awards, Metamodern Arts Festival, #наШапку
Culturologist, manager of cultural and educational projects, specialist in interdisciplinary communication and management.


Co-founder and project manager of the Center for Gastronomic Research NGO.


SVC is a member of the British professional association British Design&Art Direction (D&AD) and constantly adapts the training programs according to the activities of ICOGRADA
The business school was founded at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Educates leaders who seek change — in themselves, their companies, the country, and the world.
Міжнародний фотобанк з 200М+ файлів. Заснований українцем Дмитром Сергєєвим в 2009 році в Києві. Компанія надає послуги клієнтам з усього світу.
The state fund, which introduces new mechanisms for providing state financial support to initiatives in the field of culture and creative industries.
A British educational organization founded in London in 1962 to promote excellence in the design and advertising industries.
Міжнародне маркетингове агентство, що допомагає швидко розвивати бренди прямих споживачів на кількох ринках по всьому світу.
A study center in London that helps thousands of students realize their dream of studying in the UK, USA and China every year.


We are challenging the present day and determining to stay ahead of the future by our own example!

We live by a big Idea and our Idea is to use all the power of design and art and use them to make the world a better, more beautiful and more convenient place!

Design and art are a powerful tool for changing the world around you! Design and art is a powerful tool of visual communication! Design and art are the face of ourselves!

The School of Visual Communication is a link in the chain started by the world's legendary design schools. Our goal is to build a new relevant school of Ukrainian design, which will continue with new links — young designers and artists. Our task is to unite like-minded people and give them the opportunity to realize their talents: ideas, dreams, practical experience and knowledge. We are exploring a new code of visual language fed by digital food, its rational and irrational components. The visual language of communication in design, contemporary art, and new media is a skeleton that is overgrown with the flesh of form and content. The digital environment generates its own digital communication.

Time dictates its conditions — today you need to learn quickly, you need to learn from practitioners, you need to learn from real tasks. The learning process is endless... He who does not make mistakes does not create anything new: an experiment is always the beginning of something bigger. We are not afraid of mistakes, they harden our spirit on the way to the goal!

Professionalism is a winning diagonal: movement from left to right, up — and only up!

We are researchers, experimenters and practitioners. We shape today's visual environment and influence tomorrow's visual culture.

We believe in the power of good ideas! For a real idea — the whole universe to help! The time has come for a new formation of Ukrainian designers and artists!

svc manifest

© SVC 2023
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